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If you're against gay marriage because it undermines the sanctity of marriage, you're against divorce, too, right? Wouldn't you have to be? 

A shocking number of politicians who preach about the sanctity of marriage have cheated on their spouses, gotten multiple divorces, or done something much worse. We're looking at you, David Vitter. So, we decided to create this social experiment to call out these hypocrites, firstly, to make ourselves feel better; but also to maybe, just maybe, make a difference in the world. Our hope is that one day a bill will come up for a vote and we'll really see whether these "Defenders of Marriage" actually care about the sanctity of marriage or if they're really just homophobic. A pipe dream? Maybe. But ragging on self-righteous hypocrites sure is a helluva lot of fun.

This is a social movement, so of course we were on Facebook...

And Twitter...

And Pinterest.

We also celebrated the states with the lowest divorce rates in the country.

And made downloadable posters.

Through a series of regular segments, we lauded "Defenders of Marriage" like Ted and Linda Haggard (shown below). We also created the Vitter Index, in honor of Louisiana Senator, David Vitter. The Vitter Index tracked the actual, realtime value of traditional marriage based on current events. If you're interested, I'd be happy to walk you through a thorough breakdown of the Index's computational methodology. Or, I can just assure you it was all very sciency. Ok, fine, just between us, we made the whole thing up.

We also made official t-shirts. Ironically, they were really soft.